Heaventools Resource Tuner

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Resource Types: Nearly Every Type Supported

Resources are data that define the visible portions of your Windows program. Resources provide a consistent user interface that makes it easy for users to switch from one Windows program to another. A resource might be displayed in an application as error messages or as part of the user interface. Resources can contain data in a number of forms, including strings, images, dialogs, and persisted objects. In general, a Windows application's resources are separated from the program code, letting you make significant changes to the interface without recompiling your entire application.

Not all of those resources support direct editing, but for most you can replace and edit them with Resource Editor. Resource Tuner recognizes the following resource types:

AVI animated image *.avi
GIF image *.gif
ANIMATED GIF animated image *.gif
JPEG image *.jpg, *.jpeg
PNG image *.png
METAFILE image *.wmf
BITMAP image *.bmp
BITMAP (DIB) image *.bmp
WAVE raw data *.wav
CURSOR image *.cur
ANIMATED CURSOR animated image *.ani
CURSOR GROUP text *.res
ICON image *.ico, *.png
ICON GROUP text *.res
MENU script/menu *.rc
DIALOG script/dialog *.rc
DIALOG DATA text/raw data *.res
STRING TABLE script *.rc
MESSAGE TABLE text *.res, *.txt
ACCELERATOR script *.rc
TOOLBAR text/toolbar *.res
PLAIN TEXT text *.txt
RICH TEXT FORMAT formatted text *.rtf, *.txt
HTML text *.htm, *.html
XML text *.xml, *.xsl
Application Manifest text *.xml
CAB directory *.cab
TYPE LIBRARY script *.tlb, *.txt
PE EXECUTABLE raw data *.exe, *.dll, *.*
NE EXECUTABLE raw data *.exe, *.dll, *.*
LE EXECUTABLE raw data *.exe, *.dll, *.*
Borland VCL DFM text *.dfm
VCL Package Info text *.res
VCL Signature text *.res
VERSION INFO formatted text *.res
IMAGE LIST image *.res
Unknown Data raw data *.res




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Resource Tuner runs on all versions of Windows, including 11, 10, 8, 7, and XP, and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.